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Illinois teleheath network

About The Network

Expanding Access.

Improving Outcomes.

The Illinois Telehealth Network works closely with healthcare leaders, hospital networks, and patient-focused community groups to connect rural Illinois to quality, affordable, whole-person healthcare. We help healthcare organizations leverage digital tools and virtual technology to meet patients where they live - this allows care teams to reach underserved communities, improve community health, and build better patient experiences.

Our Mission

The Illinois Telehealth Network is dedicated to improving access to healthcare in rural, underserved, and underprivileged communities in Illinois. By promoting the adoption of cutting-edge technology, telemedicine platforms, and digital solutions we drive innovation, improve patient outcomes, and advance equity in local healthcare.

Leadership and Community

The Illinois Telehealth Network is powered by a passionate team of medical professionals and community-minded Illinois residents who are deeply committed to realizing the ITN’s vision of a healthier, more equitable healthcare landscape.

Gurprett Mander, MD, MBA, CPE

Gurprett Mander, MD, MBA, CPE

Executive Director

Alison Rhodes, MPH, MPA

Alison Rhodes, MPH, MPA

Project Director

David Mortimer, MDiv, GPC

David Mortimer, MDiv, GPC

Sustainability & Development Director

Mark Ennen

Mark Ennen

Finance Director

Jenyelyne Miner

Jenyelyne Miner

Outreach Director


Find answers to common questions about the Illinois Telehealth Network, our work, and programming.

ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

What is the purpose of the Illinois Telehealth Network (ITN)?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

Who are the current ITN members?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

Who can be an ITN member?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

What are the expectations of ITN members?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

How is the ITN governed?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

Do ITN members pay annual dues?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

What do ITN members currently receive in return for their dues?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

What are possible future benefits to ITN members?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

What is the role of Hospital Sisters Health System’s (HSHS) in the ITN?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

When does the ITN meet?

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ITN strives to support all facets of telemedicine services—including technology, care delivery best practices/protocols and billing/reimbursement—and assists members in identifying and implementing solutions to strengthen rural healthcare and support patient care in their respective facilities.

Where does the ITN meet?

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No. ITN is a kind of “Switzerland” to assist member organizations in determining the best options for telemedicine services in their respective facilities. The provision of telemedicine services is often a layered matrix where an individual facility can serve as both a hub and a spoke with services provided both internally and externally. 

HSHS affiliates may offer one or more telemedicine service options which may be advantageous to some ITN members. However, participation in any organization’s telemedicine program or with any vendor provider is voluntary and at the discretion of each individual member organization.

Does ITN membership mean our organization will be required to partner with HSHS for telemedicine services?

The ITN annual meeting has been held in Springfield, Illinois since it is a central location. Full member meetings are conducted both in person and via teleconference. Individual committee meetings are normally conducted by teleconference with in-person meetings as scheduled by the individual committees.

Where does the ITN meet?

HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital in Breese is currently the lead applicant managing a four-year HRSA Rural Health Network Development grant.

Why are dues paid to HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital (Breese)?

The ITN holds an annual member meeting in June. Board meetings are held every other month. ITN member committee meetings are held year-round.

When does the ITN meet?

HSHS St. Francis in Litchfield (an HSHS affiliate), launched the ITN with HRSA funding in June 2014. HSHS affiliates located in Illinois joined the consortium and are active members together with non-HSHS members. 

In addition, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation has provided significant matching grants to eight ITN federal and private foundation grants. ITN staffing is provided by HSHS colleagues (on leased agreements) and operates under the employment and grant management policies and procedures of HSHS (since ITN, as a new nonprofit, does not yet have these policies in place.)

What is the role of Hospital Sisters Health System’s (HSHS) in the ITN?

  • Membership provides the opportunity to participate in a learning community that could in the future benefit from economies of scale, collaborations on projects with mutual benefits, and support in philanthropy and fundraising to remove barriers. For example, this “learning community” might incubate small test pilots, supported by philanthropy or grants, that may then be expanded.

  • In the future, member organizations will be able to explore opportunities for shared savings, group purchasing, and ITN-negotiated vendor discounts for telemedicine services and equipment. (Experience shows that higher patient volumes can help secure better pricing.)

What are possible future benefits to ITN members?

  • Members may request reimbursement for up to $4,500 annually for telemedicine supplies. 

  • Valued at more than $2,000/year, ITN members enjoy full membership benefits to regional and national telemedicine associations and the National Cooperative of Health Networks Association. This provides you with access to: member rates for conferences, valuable webinars and online resources such as practice manuals, and the latest reimbursement and regulatory information. 

  • Member organizations have access to the two full-time experienced ITN professionals, an Executive Director and other staff and advisors to provide support, tools and expertise to help you design, develop, fund and operationalize your own organization’s telemedicine services. 

  • ITN can provide the necessary resources, expertise and support to apply for grant opportunities that benefit members. For funded federal, state, or private foundation grants, ITN can provide the necessary oversight and fiscal management.

What do ITN members currently receive in return for their dues?

Each member organization pays $3,000 in member dues each year. The first annual dues will be assessed for payment in the months of December 2017 and January 2018 to accommodate various organizational CY or FY budgets.

Do ITN members pay annual dues?

ITN oversight is provided by a nine-member Board of Directors that was first elected by members in June 2016. The Board is supported by an Executive Director, Network Director, Project Director, Finance Director and other team members who support the day-to-day operations of the network.

How is the ITN governed?

ITN members participate in needs assessments and voluntarily plan and collaborate on initiatives to drive change in healthcare delivery by evaluating, choosing and implementing telemedicine solutions that support their organizational business model and serve their patients. 

ITN members are highly engaged, motivated and committed to increasing access to quality patient care in rural and underserved areas. Members contribute annual member dues and participate in committees and member meetings to advance ITN’s mission and vision through practical collaborations and pilots.

What are the expectations of ITN members?

Healthcare organizations in Illinois (outside the Chicago region), particularly in rural areas, may request membership information through the ITN website with an email address and phone number.

Who can be an ITN member?

As of July 2018, the ITN consists of 26 member organizations throughout central and southern Illinois. A member map can be found here.

Who are the current ITN members?

Get in Touch

Want to help expand rural Illinois’ access to high-quality care? Get in touch with our office to discuss membership, explore partnership opportunities, and learn more about programs.

Grants Portfolio

We’re revolutionizing access to care in rural health. With over $10 million in federal funds and stakeholder matches, the Illinois Telehealth Network is proud to drive the growth of telehealth medicine, creating unprecedented opportunities and expanding care where it’s needed most.

HRSA Rural Health
Network Development #2 (GSS)

USDA Distance Learning & Telemedicine #4

USDA Distance Learning & Telemedicine #5

HRSA Rural Health
Network Development #3 (SJB)

USDA Distance Learning & Telemedicine #6

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